Fit & Fizzy

What Should I Be Doing About My Cortisol?

Magan Hendry & Brandi Wigley Season 2 Episode 4

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In this episode, Brandi Wigley and Magan Hendry unravel the big cortisol conundrum that's got everyone's knickers in a twist. They dive deep (not into an ice bath) into the reality behind the stress hormone craze sweeping our Instagram feeds, with every Tom, Dick, and Harry preaching about its weighty consequences. But here's the skinny – we're stripping it back to basics and calling out the lifestyle habits that genuinely deserve our attention. So, let's talk about the buzzword and see if it’s really your golden ticket to waving bye-bye to a puffy face and pesky pounds. 

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Things to listen for: 

00:00 Cortisol algorithm concerns are widespread in social media.

04:34 Cortisol is vital for body function. Stress increases cravings.

07:41 Common cortisol-increasing factors: lack of sleep, exercise, caffeine, diet, alcohol.

11:01 Understanding and empathy for struggling individuals emphasized.

15:58 Focus on intentional habits to achieve goals.

16:56 Cortisol affects fat storage, eat real food.

The Fit and Fizzy podcast is hosted by Magan and Brandi, two moms sharing their experiences, insights, and realistic advice on juggling motherhood. They are doing it while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, finding humor in it all, and enjoying a cocktail (or three) along the way.

They’ll talk about meal planning, healthy recipes, finding time to exercise, and managing stress. You’ll hear personal stories and challenges, providing a relatable and supportive community for other moms. Make sure to subscribe to this podcast and tell your friends.

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